
We regard our talented staff and professional teams as our company's most important assets. We are committed to building a well-rounded learning system and encouraging career development, so learning is at your fingertips. In addition, we provide a healthy organization, smooth promotion channel, friendly working environment. We respect the professionalism of our employees and value teamwork so that employees are brilliant, happy, and successful in the future.



You can start your brilliant life here

TeraPower Technology Inc. is a global professional manufacturer of integrated circuit testing services, providing automated professional wafer probing and final testing services.

We vastly improve the quality and efficiency of testing through big data management analysis and artificial intelligence-assisted testing.

We effectively use various resources to maximize test output and are well-known in the packaging and testing industry for highly flexible, accurate, and meticulous testing services.

We are committed to advanced technology, constantly pursue quality improvement, and aim to optimize customer satisfaction.

We also hope to establish the industry's highest standards in the spirit of automotive quality and become the world's top integrated circuit testing company. 



Being happy is simple

TeraPower Technology Inc. provides market-competitive salaries and insists on profit sharing, meeting the expectations of our employees.

We provide a friendly and humane working environment to stimulate employees' creativity.

We actively protect the physical and mental health of our staff and provide employees with regular health checks.

We carefully plan various activities, provide diversified subsidies, and form partnerships with stores to enrich employees' lives.

We formulate motivational salary policies and diversified and flexible benefit plans to create a win-win situation. 

● First/Second half year-end bonus
● Seasonal performance bonus
● Annual salary adjustment
● Annual earnings dividend 

● Year-end banquet
● Birthday/holiday vouchers
● Movie/travel tickets
● Wedding and funeral subsidies
● Senior staff rewards
● Model employee election  

● Labor/Health/Group Insurance
● Employee cafeteria/parking lot
● Annual health checks
● Physician on-site consultation 



Persistence leads to a successful future

TeraPower Technology Inc. cherishes every employee and allows employees to maximize their potential and challenge their limits based on the concepts of mutual benefits and diversity.

We are committed to building a diversified learning system and career development to meet the needs and growth of employees at all stages.

We use multiple platforms, tools, and media to carefully plan various activities to offer independent learning at your fingertips.

We encourage challenges and breakthroughs, whether it is improving professionalism, cross-over management, or cross-domain development, all of which can be tailored to individual needs. 

Newcomer guidance
We help newcomers quickly understand the company’s culture, philosophy, team, and system to adapt to the environment.

On job training learning 
Through passing down experiences within working unit, employees can learn professional knowledge and skills through learning by doing.

Competence-based learning 
Organization was composed by different professional purposes groups. Employees get to experience cross- functional expertise throughout cooperation with various department.

External Training 
There is no pre-set limitations on employee trainings, as long as the training fits with job function and enhance ability to compete.

Company promotes cooperation among various roles in the organization. Each role is well defined and performed to ensure operational efficiency.

Performance improvement
To ensure our employees understand their job details, we conduct performance evaluations through goal management and emphasize performance interviews and feedbacks. Moreover, we reward employees for creative ideas and procedures of improvement proposals.

Transparent promotion
Management encourages employees to take challenges. Good job performance will be appreciated and recognized through various promotion opportunities.

Cross-function Learning
To expand employees' perspectives, we encourage employees to step out of comfort zone to explore participate in cross- function projects and build their experiences.

We encourage employees to learn through games, peer's competitions, films, books, magazines, cross-cultural communication, and other life experiences. 

Human Resources
Contact Information


No. 20, Wenhua Road, Hsinchu Industrial Zone, Hukou Township, Hsinchu County
