
TeraPower Technology Inc. strives to create a friendly workplace and welcomes you with open arms! Don't hesitate! Grab your resume, check our openings. Joint us, and we can accomplish great things together.


 Check Job Opportunities

You may find more job information by clicking on the opportunities.
Check our opening

 Arrange for an Interview

After preliminary resume screening, HR will schedule an interview with you in our office. 
Click for the company address

 Professional Skill Tests

Professional skill and English tests will be required according to job needs.

 Offer and Onboard

We will notify you of the offer by phone and mail you a hard copy of the offer letter.
You should have all required documents ready and show up on time.
The average process time takes 2-4 weeks. 

If you felt been treated inappropriately with topics involving race, age, religion, ideology, gender, etc. during the interview, please send us your comments. The company will investigate your concerns in a timely manner The company has established a communication channel to evaluate your concerns, such as a staff suggestion box. You also can give feedback through your unit’s supervisor or relevant department. 

Human Resources
Contact Information


No. 20, Wenhua Road, Hsinchu Industrial Zone, Hukou Township, Hsinchu County
